Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Past. Future.

am going to be a teacher.


I finally realized how quickly this was coming today as I turned my student teaching application. I will be teaching students next fall. I will be borrowing a classroom and then onto my own!

I am amazed at how quickly the past 4 years of school have flown by. I cannot imagine being anywhere else but here. I have grown up a lot in 4 years, I was a awkward high school graduate who thought I knew everything, only to find out I knew little about the world. I learned. I learned about the world. I learned about the past and the future. I learned about people. I learned about myself. This knowledge came through many people who helped shape and molded me.

My sophomore year of college has by far been the greatest year for education and fun. To my Brentwood babes, you ladies (and everyone in that year of my life) were my family away from home. You changed me and taught me to loosen up and be crazy, college was not always about being in the books or the library, it was being among the living. From Jello Sliding to making music videos to talking until 4 a.m. I have so many fond memories of us in the short year we spent together. It was a year that I would never trade.

Mom and Dad, you two have been the greatest. You have helped me in more ways than you will ever know. I am grateful to have you as parents. Dad you have shown me that hard work pays off and to never do any work half value. Mom you have endowed on me so much wisdom that I do not know where to begin. Thank you for always helping me to further my education and understanding.

I have the most amazing siblings in the world. They are not only my family, but my friends who will always help me through difficult times.

Corey, you always can make me laugh with your humor. You always can find something to smile or joke about. Thank you for always making me chuckle or smile.
Tyler, you have wisdom that sounds like it should come from an 80 year old man who has lived a full life. Thank you for always helping me to know when I am being difficult.

Megan, you have always been a great sister and an even better friend who I have confided in about boys, troubles, and school. Thank you for always listening to my dramatic tales.

I can't wait for your wedding this summer!! 

There have been so many friends that have come and gone in my life and I have learned from all of you. Thank you for what it was that you taught me and for your help.

My education has come from many informal experiences with my family and friends, but one in particular person who helped me in and out of the classroom was a professor. My mentor. The Guru of Colonial History. He taught me a lot about history and how to interpret it, but he also taught me a lot about who I am and what I stand for and how I need to go for the desires I have. 
To some this may sound like a reverse order to be getting through school and then having adventures. But I find that this is the way my road map was traced.

"Life is a Journey and only you hold the map".

I soon will be standing in front of a door, unlocking it and seeing the bare walls inside. this will become a room of learning and understanding of the past. I will be able to be part of that transformation and I will teach.

I can't wait to be a teacher.

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