Monday, March 14, 2011


I feel like I haven't blogged in forever. My Spring Break stories will be coming up next week. I have to get through this week first and then I can record all my fun times in Vegas and St George. I am really glad that I went and cheered on my Aggies.

But today I wanted to share this video. 

I found this video on the link below. 
Chris Medina was an American Idol contestant whose fiance got into a terrible accident that gave her a traumatic brain injury just before their wedding. Here is his heartfelt song about staying with her.

It is just so beautiful and heartfelt that I had to share it. He unconditionally loves her. It is so Christ-like and is something that all people need to learn to have more of. 
Selfless, unconditional love.
I hope one day everyone can better understand this kind of love and learn to value one another through differences and everything.
The only way to explain this love is by calling it beautiful and truly selfless love.


  1. I LOVE that song! That is the cutest thing! True love and good men really DO exist!

  2. I know Calli. I find this song so inspiring. It helped me realize some people in the world still do have Christ-like love for others and do put others before themselves.
    His love for her is so empowering.
